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Forex Trading - Daily Alerts

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If you want to profit on forex trading, you've come to the right place. Daily Trading Alerts for Forex Traders with additional intra-day alerts whenever the situation requires it. The service covers the following currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, and USD/AUD. As Forex Trading Alerts subscriber you will remain up-to-date at all times - you will receive daily e-mail messages from Nadia Simmons with the most important trading details: latest price changes, support & resistance levels, buy & sell signals and early heads-up about the potential trading opportunities. If you''re trading currencies or would like to optimize your cash holdings (when holding cash, own the right form of cash), Forex Trading Alerts are perfect for you. 1-2 alerts per week are posted also in our Articles section, so you can review these real-time samples before you subscribe.

Whether you already subscribed or not, we encourage you to find out how to make the most of our alerts and read our replies to the most common alert-and-forex-trading-related-questions.

  • The Euro Is Trying Our Patience

    April 5, 2019, 10:16 AM

    Starting yesterday’s Alert, we’ve led in with the seesaw price action in the euro. Today is no exception as the pair is bidding its time. This doesn’t make us complacent but rather reexamine the outlook in light of the most recent developments. There’re many relevant points to express: not only about the euro, but also about the Japanese yen and Canadian dollar. Let’s dive in.

  • The Euro: Downward Reversal in Earnest, or Not Really?

    April 4, 2019, 9:40 AM

    It might look to some as a seesaw action. One day, the euro is up, only to see it retracing most of its gains just like earlier today. Instead of concentrating on the daily fluctuations, the key question to ask is: does it change the outlook? Are we getting new information from the charts, or not really? Let’s get you updated on the developments throughout the currencies realm right now.

  • Euro Bulls Are Attempting a Comeback

    April 3, 2019, 9:34 AM

    After a few days of relative calm in EUR/USD, the bulls are making a move today. How high can their staying power take them? What do the charts say? Is it brighter days ahead, as risk aversion is waning today? We are not surprised either by the strengthening USD/JPY. Let’s take a look at what all these mean for us going forward.

  • Don't Succumb to the Currencies Playing Tricks on Your Attention

    April 2, 2019, 10:01 AM

    Tuesday looks to be marching in lockstep with Monday’s action in the foreign exchange universe. That means not much happening at first sight. As they say, time to go long, time to go short, and time to go fishing? Not so fast! Even a relative breather provides a welcome opportunity to reexamine the case for a trade (or against it) and adjust the parameters accordingly. Been there, done that. Here we go.

  • Consolidation Time: Is It About To Be Over Soon?

    April 1, 2019, 8:06 AM

    A new week, a new month, and even a new quarter. What a good opportunity to present you with a long-term check on the most appealing currency pairs. Not that we haven’t had been doing so pretty regularly behind the scenes already but now we have a good excuse to share with you. Especially that it’s actionable and makes us act on a new promising opportunity. Yes, today’s promising opportunity.

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